Dear Parents,

At the La CaƱada School of Music we are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for students, teachers, and all who visit our school. We are following the guidelines put forth by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and we will continue to monitor the situation as it develops in the coming weeks. We have instituted additional cleaning protocol with a focus on disinfecting high-touch surfaces and our faculty are closely monitoring student health.

If your child is not feeling well, or if they have been exposed to someone exhibiting cold/flu symptoms, please notify the school and keep them home. Make-up lessons can be scheduled following a 2 week period. If a student displays cold/flu symptoms in their lesson they will be sent home and a make-up lesson will be scheduled. Additionally, if you or another family member has recently visited another country, please stay home for 2 weeks out of an abundance of caution (

In accordance with the CDPH guidelines issued on Wednesday night, our Spring recital will still take place on March 28th as planned. Should you or your child feel ill, however, you will not be allowed to participate. Please notify the school and your recital registration fee will be reimbursed.

Any changes to our school’s health protocols will be announced via email and on our website, so please check both regularly. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you for your understanding!

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